2022 is Gonna be NUTS Thanks to YOU
We’ve got big plans and can’t wait to share them with you all. But one of them is to keep helping you on your path to pro. We believe in you!
We’ve got big plans and can’t wait to share them with you all. But one of them is to keep helping you on your path to pro. We believe in you!
Get ready for some crazy action on November 30, beginning at 12 p.m. PST/3 p.m. EST as Hitch and his friends from Team Summertime (TST) duke it out with the sweatiest of Vanguard players for $150,000! You won’t want to miss the TSM PROSIM Invitational. Tune in on our official BoomTV Twitch channel or any […]
By Megan Spurr, Community Lead, Xbox Game Pass Some of the top pro players and streamers know that Game Pass Has PC Games, so we’re inviting them to our inaugural Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational with Boom TV featuring Halo Infinite multiplayer. This is your chance to watch skilled gamers and entertaining creators compete for a prize pool of $50,000. The Halo Infinite Multiplayer Beta is available to play today, so brush up on your skills, and get ready to complete challenges, win prizes, and […]
We’ve finally discovered the cure for “The Mondays” – a healthy dose of fact-actin’ Call of Duty Vanguard action! Ring in the new week on November 22 starting at 12:00 p.m. PST/3:00 EST on the BoomTV Twitch channel or any of the players’ channels listed below. Note: Captains and players are subject to change. Follow […]
Team Games is always improving and growing and we’re excited to share the latest batch of release notes – 1.8 – here’s what we’ve been up to since the last update. Bug Fixes Clicking on the Search button when the search bar is blank no longer takes you to a 404 Error screen. Blog post […]
Here at BoomTV, we see a lot of amazing gamers from all walks of life and strive to give them all a chance to shine – that’s why we started the Proving Grounds esports series! On November 18, we’re proud to present the Female SND Proving Grounds in Call of Duty: Vanguard! Tune in to […]
The $10,000 Code Red Splitgate tournament Presented by Aim Lab is finally upon us and we’re excited to reveal our team captains!
We’re excited to partner with MOBIUZ to bring you the $10,000 Code Red APEX Legends tournament on November 16th! Beginning at 1:00 p.m. PST/4:00 p.m. EST, 20 trio teams will face off for their share of the $10,000 prize pool and bragging rights! BenQ MOBIUZ builds blazing-fast QHD 165Hz 1ms gaming monitors. With exclusive Game […]
This Veteran’s Day, BoomTV is proud to present the $20,000 Army National Guard Code Red Freedom event! Sixteen (16) Call of Duty: Vanguard players from different walks of life (streamers, pro players, college students, and reps from the Army National Guard) will duke it out for prizes, fame, and to salute our military veterans. (Please […]
Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows…until now! Team Summertime (TST) spun the wheel to find out who would participate in their $70,000 Call of Duty: Vanguard event and man, is this going to be good. Tune in to all the action on our Twitch channel HERE or the players’ channels listed […]