AVGL Broadcast Volunteer Application

Introducing volunteer opportunities within AVGL! If you have a passion for esports and broadcasting, commentating, observing, or directing. AVGL is looking for students in the high school and college space to be a part of our Broadcast Team who will help with upcoming community tournaments this Fall. No pervious experience required. This is a volunteer […]

Announcing Hitch’s Cracked Creators Series

Coming back to us with another installment of the Cracked Creators tournament series hosted by Team Summertime! The series is all about bringing content creators and pros together. The series features 16 of the top Warzone players paired up with 16 Warzone content creators. Before the tournament starts, the draft will take place, where the […]

Intel Inpsires – Creator Contests

INTEL INSPIRES CREATOR CONTESTS AVGL launches creator contests in this year’s Intel Inspires, with more than $25,000 in prizing awarded to young creators who demonstrate strengths in shoutcasting, t-shirt design, and content creation. If you’re interested in anything creative then these creator contests are for you. With a little for everyone, participate and be featured […]