Who among our 16 teams will conquer the Space-themed Escape Room? It’s Xbox Game Pass Has PC Games Invitational Featuring Minecraft! Tune in this Friday, January 28 beginning at 12 PM PST.
That’s right, folks, we’re back with another tournament sponsored by Xbox Game Pass! Did you know they have PC games? Well they do – over 100 of them, including Minecraft. This week, teams will have to put their heads together to win their share of $30,000!
In addition to the main prize, players will have a chance to win $10,000 worth of bounties along with way, with a first prize of $12,000. You won’t want to miss this.

Xbox Game Pass Has PC Games Minecraft Captains Are:
- Captainsparklez
- FitMC
- CaptainPuffy
- Hannahxxrose
- vGumiho
- Fundy
- ChilledchaosYT
- ItzMasayoshi
- Punz
- Beautie
- Snifferish
- Hbomb94
- JimmyHere
- Illumina
- SeaPeeKay
- Sylvee
It’s gonna be EPIC – tune into the official Xbox Twitch channel, official BoomTV Twitch channel, or any of the Captain channels above. The tournament begins at 12 PM PST/ 3 PM EST, so grab your pick axe, look out for Creepers, and see you there!