The Spring 2022 AVGL season plans on awarding over $40,000 in event prizing for tournaments and sponsorships, PLUS a new way to teach event building to students!
So what types of events should you expect?
- Leagues
- One-offs
- Trials
- Sponsored Events

AVGL Collegiate Leagues
AVGL is offering Rocket League, Valorant, and Smite tournaments for 2022. The registration deadline for Rocket League and Valorant is February 6th! All seasons will follow a 7-week long swiss format followed by playoffs.
- There will be 2 divisions:
- Division 1 will have a prize pool of $10,000 and require an entry fee of $105.
- Division 2 will have a prize pool of $2,000 and will not have an entry fee. However, teams in Division 2 will have a rank restriction of one plat 2 or lower player per team and the rest must be gold or lower. Previous seasons will be taken under consideration. Division 2 will only be open to schools once they have at least one team registered in Division 1, exceptions possible.
Rocket League
- There will be 2 divisions:
- Division 1 will have a prize pool of $5,000 and not have an entry fee.
- Division 2 will have a prize pool of $1,000 and not have an entry fee. Teams in Division 2 will have a rank restriction of one Champ 1 player max per team and the rest must be Diamond of lower.
More details to come regarding Collegiate Smite!

AVGL One-offs
AVGL is looking to actively engage the gaming community with our one-off and tentpole events. These events will be stand-alone events and usually occur over a weekend or shortened period of time. The first one-off event will be Duo’s Duel featuring 5 different game titles over the week of Feb 14-18th. Some of these one-offs will be open to both the college and high school audience. We’ll announce more one-off events throughout the semester!
Tentpole Events
AVGL’s tentpole events with ties into Code Red will be back! These events make AVGL stand out and unique to the collegiate audience. The path to recognition and pro is one of AVGL’s core collegiate goals for students. Players who compete in these tentpole events usually receive a direct invite to Code Red – one of the largest influencer and pro events in the esports world. Thousands of eyes tune into these events and offer massive prize pools for top placing teams!
We’re excited to announce that April Anarchy will be returning for the 3rd year in a row and we’ll have some amazing news to post soon!

One of AVGL’s staple series Trials will be back this Spring! Trials is also our bridge between high school and college competition. These events are open to college and high school students. We’re always looking for community feedback for which games to host a Trials event for. This Spring we plan to host $7,500 in Trials events – at a $500 prize pool per Trial, that’s 15 events! Stay tuned to our socials for Trial announcements.
Sponsored Events
In the past AVGL has offered programs like Event Support. This Spring we’re taking a different approach. We now have a special fund to help schools and students showcase their talents in event building. We want students to get hands-on experience of how to pitch events to a sponsor, coordinate players, market their event, and how to execute and deliver metrics. If you have an event this Spring and you need some extra funds to help you run your event send an email to with details regarding your event. If approved, our team will help you promote the event through our email, social and discord reach as well!
All events that are sponsored must be hosted on the AVGL tournament platform. Demo requests available!
For more exciting news and updates follow our Discord announcement channel and stay tuned to our socials:
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Join us when we go live!
Good luck this semester!